King Arthur |
The Royal United Kingdon |
Queen Elizabeth II |
The Royal United Kingdom |
The Last Minute Before Midnight, Before The New Day
In Life Begins ___________________________
was the last minute before midnight, I sat and listened to the world in life.
I thought in my mind, what
if I die at midnight, when the clock of time strikes at twelve, or will I see one more sunshine?
At: 12:01, as the
city lights glow in the night, the moonlight, the stars cry, is the clock stopping for me tonight, or is it the last minute
before midnight in my mind.
The clock strikes twelve, then one, two, and three past the hours of time, and the hours in
our mind.
One Minute Before Midnight.............Time.......
By: Dr. Clifford G. Fleetwood, Ph.D, E.JD American Author, Composer, and Philosopher Anno:
2019. __________________________________
English Baron Mountbatten , and Military General |
The Loved High Holyness Pope John Paul II |
The Holy Vatican, Rome |
Dr. Clifford G. Fleetwood, Ph.D, E.JD, J.S.D |
CEO & Executive Publisher, Wallstreet, New York, USA |
The Castle Of Essux |
England, U.K. |
Dr. Clifford G. Fleetwood, Ph.D, E,JD American Author, Composer, Philosopher And: Attorney At Law
"The Father Of Philosophical Art"
Fleetwood Master Art Works
"The Class, Culture & Style Of The Renaissance"
Wallstreet, New York,10001
"A Clifford G. Fleetwood Company"
U.S Office Tele: 631-606-3519
Published By: Rio Grande Publishing Of The Southwest Santa Fe,
New Mexico, USA
International Media By: The National News Network Of New York Wallstreet New York 10001 Copyright 2019
All Rights Reserved. __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Vintage 1955 Cadillac Limosine |
Fleetwood Master Art Works Company |